Malware Development Training Reviews

Reviews of some of the malware development courses I have taken!

About Us

Malware Development

Exploring the malware development side of red teaming.

Some Links

Links to training I have taken or am interested in taking.

June 05, 2023

I worked my way through MalDev Academy and posted an initial review. Expect it to be randomly updated as I go through the materials a few more times.


May 18, 2023

Welcome to the start of the Malware Development Training Reviews site. Where I will be reviewing some of the malware development training courses that I have taken.

I have started by bringing over some of the Sektor7 reviews from

I know that these reviews will overlap with the red team training reviews, but I wanted a separate site to specifically highlight the malware development training I have taken.

I will also begin filling out the missing Sektor7 reviews as time permits.

Malware Development Training Reviews
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